Our school

At Buchrain Community School, there are more than 120 teachers and more than 730 students from ages 4 to 16 years.
Since August 2016, all departments in our kindergartens are managed in a two-year, mixed-age model, with the first kindergarten year being a voluntary offer. Each child is supported according to its potential. The focus is on the holistic promotion of existing strengths and the support of any weaknesses in order to prepare them best for primary school. Playful and active learning is also very important. Free play, mutual learning and cooperation are of the utmost importance.
Primary education
All primary levels consist of 4 small sized classes. There are 4 departments of the 1st to 4th grade, which are accommodated at the locations "Dorf" and "Hinterleisibach". The 5th and 6th grades can be found on the campus Dorf. Community-building events such as class projects or school projects are an integral part of everyday school life.
From the 3rd grade, English is taught as a second language and from the 5th grade, students are getting familiarised with the French language. In addition to the class teacher, the students are accompanied by a specially trained remedial teacher (4 to 5 lessons per week). Gifted and talented students are invited to our Talent Promotion Programme for two hours a week
Secundary education
Buchrain Secondary School is based on a cooperative model. In the current school year, around 200 pupils attend the secondary school in 12 regular classes. The subjects German, Mathematics, English and French are offered at levels A, B and C. During the school year, community-building events take place several times.
Practical Training School of the PH Luzern
As a practical training school of the Lucerne University of Teacher Education, Buchrain Municipal School offers students the opportunity to gain experience in a variety of internships throughout the various semesters.