Pizza Feedback
Ich wünsche eu schöni ferie!

Dear all,
Welcome to my last blog of the school year. Recently we had our last BGI meeting where we shared feedback and reflected on the year. I want to thank Silvia Frank for the idea of ‘Pizza Feedback’ and I would like to use it to give you an outlook of the year.
1. Base
This year, we have been able to lay a base for the project going forward. We know a lot more about how CLIL works and how to implement it in our lessons. Having team teaching in English, we can essentially teach two lessons in one, differentiate lessons more successfully and can also create focus groups for higher or lower attaining children who need additional help or challenges.
2. Sauce
The main ingredient – the ingredient that brings everything together. It goes without saying that a strong team of teachers makes the sauce for a delicious pizza. However, our team is special. We have open communication, support from the school administration and transparent communication with the parents. Oh, and everyone has a great sense of humour. We are able to try new things, be spontaneous and implement new practices. We also have children who are willing and eager to learn. They are excited to come to class and try their best to speak English.
3. Cheese
Was für ein Käse?!
Of course, it’s not all easy breezy in the classroom. One thing I found particularly challenging was communicating with the kids at the beginning of the year. We found it difficult to understand each other and sometimes there were frustrations and miscommunications on both ends. But, the children were patient with me and I with them and it made our bond stronger.
4. Toppings
The toppings are the best bits. The topping of my year was being part of a team that grows together, supports each other and laughs together. I couldn’t have asked for better colleagues.
Next year we will be coming back better and stronger. With 4more classes joining the BGI troop, we will be even more skilled, strong andfull of ideas to push this project forward. I’m excited to welcome more teachers to the team!
As for our learners, you were brilliant this year. You exceeded expectations, studied hard and always showed enthusiasm to learning in English. Thank you for being you, I wish you THE BEST holiday and keep shining!